Zena Rommett Floor-Barre® is a fantastic tool that helps to heal and prevent injuries as well as maintaining muscular strength and flexibility. I have been introduced to Floor-Barre® in London by one of the mentors, Nina Thilas-Mohs, that studied directly with Zena. I found out that practicing Floor-Barre® regularly helped me gain a better understanding of what body placement is. The Floor-Barre® Certification in Paris has been a wonderful opportunity for me to meet other inspiring mentors who had the chance of studying with the author of this tecnique at different stages in their careers as artists. The certification has also been a chance to meet other professionals coming from all over the world eager to learn more about this technique, that works for everyone. Practicing Floor-Barre® allows you to get in tune with your own body, encouraging the research of your own maximum strength and flexibility in the movement without the pressure given by the body when exercising in a vertical position. I found out that this technique really works for me and I am looking forward to share my knowledge, understanding and my passion with many others as well as other opportunities to meet again the members of the International Floor-Barre® Family.
Contact Details
London, England UK
2019 2018 2017